For Parents » Safe Return Plan

Safe Return Plan


Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and  Continuity of Services


A. Universal and correct wearing of masks:

Rochelle Park School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s),  New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health  (NJDOH) in collaboration with the Bergen County Health Department on face covering  (mask) protocols. District Policy 1648 and the District’s Restart and Recovery Plan address  safety recommendations. As the safety recommendations shift based on updates to  Executive Orders, NJDOE, and NJDOH guidelines and protocols, the district will respond  accordingly. District Policy 8451, Control of Communicable Disease, and Policy 1648  Restart and Recovery Plan, and Policy and Regulation 7421 Indoor Air Quality, among other  policies/regulations, will serve to guide practices and considerations. Notice regarding the  universal and correct wearing of masks, per guidelines, will include verbal communication,  staff training, student instruction, written communication including signage in classrooms, hallways, offices and common areas. The district will uphold universal and correct wearing  of masks per the guidelines, and adjust accordingly.

December 13, 2022 Update: Rochelle Park School District continues to follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s), New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) in collaboration with the Bergen County Health Department on face covering (mask) protocols.  District Policy 1648.11 The Road Forward COVID-19 Health and Safety addresses safety recommendations.  As the safety recommendations shift based on updates to Executive Orders, NJDOE, and NJDOH guidelines and protocols, the district will respond accordingly.  In addition, District Policy 8451, Control of Communicable Disease, and Policy and Regulation 7421 Indoor Air Quality, among other policies/regulations, will serve to guide practices and considerations.  Notice regarding the universal and correct wearing of masks, per guidelines, will include verbal communication, staff training, student instruction, written communication including signage in classrooms, hallways, offices and common areas.  The district will uphold universal and correct wearing of masks when necessary per the state’s guidelines, and adjust accordingly.

June 15, 2023 Update: Rochelle Park School District will continue to follow the guidelines established by the State’s Executive Order(s), NJ DOE, and NJ DOH.  Collaboration with County and Local agencies, as needed, will also continue for the establishment of protocols and the district will be responsive to the changing needs, adjusting accordingly. Currently, mask wearing is optional.  Should this practice need to shift based on the aforementioned government agency directives, the practice will shift accordingly.

B. Physical distancing (e.g., including use of cohorts/podding): 

Rochelle Park School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s), New Jersey  Department of Education (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) in collaboration  with the Bergen County Health Department on physical distancing protocols. District Policy 1648  and the District’s Restart and Recovery Plan address physical distancing. As the safety  recommendations shift based on updates to Executive Orders, NJDOE, and NJDOH guidelines and  protocols, the district will respond accordingly. Social distancing markings and directional guides are placed on doors, walls, floors, and elevators. Social distancing outdoors on school grounds, to  the extent possible, will be maintained in accordance with guidelines.

December 13, 2022 Update: Rochelle Park School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s), New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) in collaboration with the Bergen County Health Department on physical distancing protocols.  District Policy 1648.11 The Road Forward COVID-19 Health and Safety addresses physical distancing.  As the safety recommendations shift based on updates to Executive Orders, NJDOE, and NJDOH guidelines and protocols, the district will respond accordingly.  Social distancing markings and directional guides are placed on doors, walls, floors, and elevators.  The district will implement and uphold social distancing when necessary per the state’s guidelines, and adjust accordingly. 

June 15, 2023 Update: Rochelle Park School District will continue to follow the guidelines established by the State’s Executive Order(s), NJ DOE, and NJ DOH.  Collaboration with County and Local agencies, as needed, will also continue for the establishment of protocols and the district will be responsive to the changing needs, adjusting accordingly. Currently, mask wearing is optional.  Should this practice need to shift based on the aforementioned government agency directives, the practice will shift accordingly.

C. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette:

Rochelle Park School District will follow the  guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s), New Jersey Department of Education  (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) in collaboration with the  Bergen County Health Department on physical distancing protocols. District Policy 1648  and the District’s Restart and Recovery Plan address handwashing and respiratory  etiquette. Toward this end, measures have included and will continue to include: hand  sanitizing stations in each room, disinfecting wipes in classrooms and office areas where  warranted, and soap in restrooms. Other measures include signs for handwashing and  covering coughs/sneezes, staff training, student instruction, written communication  including signage in classrooms, hallways, offices and common areas. The district will  continue to promote hygiene practices of hand washing and respiratory etiquette per  the guidelines.

December 13, 2022 Update: Rochelle Park School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s), New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) in collaboration with the Bergen County Health Department on physical distancing protocols.   District Policy 1648.11 The Road Forward COVID-19 Health and Safety addresses handwashing and respiratory etiquette.  Toward this end, will continue to include: hand sanitizing stations in each room, disinfecting wipes in classrooms and office areas where warranted, and soap in restrooms.  Other measures include signs for handwashing and covering coughs/sneezes, staff training, student instruction, written communication including signage in classrooms, hallways, offices and common areas.  The district will continue to promote hygiene practices of hand washing and respiratory etiquette per the guidelines.

June 15, 2023 Update: Rochelle Park School District will continue to follow the guidelines established by the State’s Executive Order(s), NJ DOE, and NJ DOH.  Collaboration with County and Local agencies, as needed, will also continue for the establishment of protocols and the district will be responsive to the changing needs, adjusting accordingly.  Existing practices, such as: hand sanitizing stations in each room, disinfecting wipes in classrooms and office areas where warranted, soap in restrooms, and signs reminding individuals to wash hands, and cover coughs/sneezes remain in effect. Overall, the district will continue to promote healthy hygiene practices of hand washing and respiratory etiquette per the guidelines.

D. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation:

Rochelle Park  School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s), New Jersey  Department of Education (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) in collaboration with the Bergen County Health Department on physical distancing  protocols. District Policy 1648 and the District’s Restart and Recovery Plan address cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation. Further, Policy and Regulation 7421 Indoor Air Quality addresses practices for improving  ventilation. The district has installed air conditioners and air ionization units in all classrooms, offices, and learning spaces. A routine daily cleaning and sanitizing plan is  implemented for classrooms, offices, restrooms, common areas, and high-touch surfaces  (e.g. handrails, doorknobs) and the use of electrostatic sprayers for disinfecting  classroom desks and chairs is also incorporated. Products used meet CDC and EPA  guidelines for safe and effective use for addressing COVID-19. These practices will  continue. 

December 13, 2022 Update: Rochelle Park School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s), New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), and New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) in collaboration with the Bergen County Health Department on physical distancing protocols. District Policy 1648.11 The Road Forward COVID-19 Health and Safety addresses cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation.  Further, Policy and Regulation 7421 Indoor Air Quality addresses practices for improving ventilation.  The district has installed air conditioners and air ionization units in all classrooms, offices, and learning spaces.  A routine daily cleaning and sanitizing plan is implemented for classrooms, offices, restrooms, common areas, and high touch surfaces (e.g. handrails, doorknobs) and the use of electrostatic sprayers for disinfecting classroom desks and chairs is also incorporated.  Products used meet CDC and EPA guidelines for safe and effective use for addressing COVID-19.  These practices will continue.

June 15, 2023 Update: Indoor air quality, cleaning, and maintaining healthy facilities remains a priority.  The Rochelle Park School District has maintained its commitment to established practices and will continue to do so.  Adding to the this, the district applied for the state’s HEPA filter grant and received units for all classroom and office spaces.  This added another layer to existing practices supporting a healthy climate.  The Rochelle Park School District will continue to follow the guidelines established by the State’s Executive Order(s), NJ DOE, and NJ DOH.  Collaboration with County and Local agencies, as needed, will also continue for the establishment of protocols and the district will be responsive to the changing needs, adjusting accordingly.

E. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the  State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments:

Rochelle Park School district administrators and school nurse, and any other staff deemed appropriate by the district,  will provide contact tracing services through collaboration with the Bergen County  Health Department. These services have been successfully implemented throughout the  2020-2021 school year and will continue as needed in an effort to maintain a safe and  healthy school community.

December 13, 2022 Update: Rochelle Park School district administrators and school nurse, and any other staff deemed appropriate by the district, will provide contact tracing services through collaboration with the Bergen County Health Department.  These services have been successfully implemented throughout the will continue as needed in an effort to maintain a safe and healthy school community.

June 15, 2023 Update: Rochelle Park School District nurse has maintained compliance with contact tracing practices and related reporting.  The practices will continue and will be adjusted as needed.

F. Diagnostic and screening testing:

During the 2020-2021 school year, the Rochelle Park  School District, specifically Midland School, successfully implemented practices for daily  health screenings for staff and students, as well as visitors. These screenings include  temperature scans and a health screening form. The school nurse will continue to follow  established practices from the NJDOH and NJDOE, including the incorporation of an  isolation area. These practices will continue until such time that the guidance allows  for adjustments.

December 13, 2022 Update: The Rochelle Park School District, specifically Midland School, successfully implemented practices for daily health screenings for staff and students, as well as visitors.  Previously, these screenings included temperature scans and a health screening form. This year, a notification to all members of the school community served as a reminder of signs/symptoms and when to remain at home.  Periodically, as needed, the school nurse sends home additional reminders, updates on the status of COVID-19 positive cases, and related recommendations. The school nurse continues to follow established practices from the NJDOH and NJDOE, including the incorporation of an isolation area.  These practices will continue and will be adjusted as necessary based on school related cases and or state requirements.

June 15, 2023 Update: Rochelle Park School District nurse conducts screenings and temperature scans on an as needed basis.  The practices will continue and will be adjusted as needed.

G. Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible:

The  Rochelle Park School District has routinely shared communications from the State,  NJDOH, Bergen County Health Department and Bergen County Office of Education for opportunities to schedule vaccination appointments. In addition, the district collaborated with the Rochelle Park Office of Emergency Management and a local  pharmacy to provide vaccinations directly to district staff who sought to receive a  vaccination. Opportunities with Hackensack University Medical Center were also provided. Staff who elected to obtain the vaccination had multiple opportunities to do  so. Furthermore, opportunities for students and families were shared via resources in  community update notices, email, and postings on the website.

December 13, 2022 Update: The Rochelle Park School District has routinely shared communications from the State, NJDOH, Bergen County Health Department and Bergen County Office of Education for opportunities to schedule vaccination appointments.  In addition, the district collaborated with the Rochelle Park Office of Emergency Management and a local pharmacy to provide vaccinations directly to district staff who sought receiving a vaccination.  Opportunities with Hackensack University Medical Center were also provided.  Staff who elected to obtain the vaccination had multiple opportunities to do so.  Furthermore, opportunities for students and families were shared via resources in community update notices, email, and postings on the website. More recently, information has been shared regarding booster vaccinations.  The school nurse provides informational communications as needed.

June 15, 2023 Update: As previously noted, the Rochelle Park School District made extensive efforts to provide resources for vaccinations to all applicable parties.  Resource information sharing is currently practiced through communications from the Midland School nurse, and will remain in effect until such time as no longer applicable.

H. Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies: 

Rochelle Park School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s  Executive Order(s) as well as accommodations that meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. As guidelines shift based on updates to Executive Orders, NJDOE, and NJDOH guidelines and protocols,  the district will respond accordingly. 

December 13, 2022 Update: Rochelle Park School District will follow the guidelines of the State’s Executive Order(s) as well as accommodations that meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.  As guidelines shift based on updates to Executive Orders, NJDOE, and NJDOH guidelines and protocols, the district will respond accordingly.  

June 15, 2023 Update: Rochelle Park School District maintains compliance with guidelines as issued by the State, as well as providing for accommodations under ADA and IDEA.  The district will remain responsive as well as proactive, implementing practices as needed. 


A. Describe how the LEA will ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address students’ academic needs and students’ and staff’s social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services. (1000 character limit):

June 24, 2021: The District anticipates providing a full day of on-site, in-person instruction during the 2021-2022 school year. It is further anticipated that a return to before and after care services will be implemented. Social, emotional, and mental health needs will be infused into learning, as is current in curricula, as well as provided by school-based guidance and counseling services.  The district will continue to provide meals for students at no charge for the duration of the government program that permits this to continue.

January 6, 2022 Update: The District has provided and will continue to provide a full day of on-site, in-person instruction.  Where necessary, students who have been identified for quarantine under the NJDOH guidelines are provided with live online instruction matching the student’s school day schedule.  The district continues to provide meals at no charge to families under the existing government program.  This includes meal access for students who are under quarantine and learning remotely.

December 13, 2022 Update: The District has provided and will continue to provide full day on-site, in person instruction.  Where necessary, students who have been identified for quarantine under the NJDOH guidelines are provided with access to lessons and classwork via the Google Classroom portal.  Free and Reduced meal program is implemented. Students who are under quarantine continue to have access to free/reduced cost meals by contacting the school directly and arrangements for individualized for pick up of meals are made. 

June 15, 2023 Update:  The District has provided and will continue to provide full day on-site, in person instruction. Where necessary, students who have been identified for quarantine under the NJDOH guidelines are provided with access to lessons and classwork via the Google Classroom portal. Free and Reduced meal program is implemented. Students who are under quarantine continue to have access to free/reduced cost meals by contacting the school directly and arrangements for individualized pick up of meals are made.


A. Describe how the LEA sought public comment on its plan, and how it took those public comments into account in the development of its plan.  Note, the ARP requires that LEAs seek public comment for each 60-day revision to the plan.: 

Posting on the website; Public comment at BOE meetings; and Email: [email protected]

June 15, 2023 Update: The information noted above remains in effect.

B. Describe how the LEA ensures that the plan is in an understandable and uniform format; is to the extent practicable, written in a language that parents can understand or, if not practicable, to provide written translations to a parent with limited English proficiency, will be orally translated for such a parent; and upon request by a parent who is an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA, will be provided in an alternative format accessible to that parent.: 

The plan posted on the district website can be translated using the Google Translate feature on the district website. Families in need may contact the school guidance counselor or principal to arrange for needs to support their understanding of this material. 

January 6, 2022 Update: The public comment avenues for section A and B above remain in effect.

December 13, 2022 Update: The plan posted on the district website can be translated using the Google Translate feature on the district website. Families in need may contact the school guidance counselor or principal to arrange for needs to support their understanding of this material. The public comment avenues for section A and B above remain in effect and will do so until no longer required.

June 15, 2023 Update: The information noted above remains in effect.