Human Resources » Substitute Teaching

Substitute Teaching

Rochelle Park School District

Substitute Teachers in the State of New Jersey need one of the following credentials.

  1. New Jersey Educator credential or,
  2. Substitute certificate

If you have one of the above documents and would like to be considered for our Substitute list, please email [email protected] your resume, copy of A or B along with your last fingerprint clearance and a letter indicating you would like to go on our Substitute List. 

If you are a Rochelle Park resident and need to obtain a substitute certification please contact Mrs. Ellen Kobylarz at ([email protected]) for further information regarding this process. If you are not a Rochelle Park resident then you need to be sponsored by the district where you reside. Once you have your certificate then you would be able to apply to work in the Rochelle Park district. 

Ellen Kobylarz

201-843-3120 ext. 514

[email protected]