Special Services Office » Programs



Preschool and Preschool Disabled Classes:

 Both a general education preschool and preschool disabled programs have been developed to provide a comprehensive educational experience for special needs as well as regular education students ages 3-5.  IEP-driven therapy services, including Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech and Language Therapy are provided in both individually and infused settings within both the general education and PSD programs.  Both programs seek to enhance the social skills development of our students while helping them to meet their individualized needs.    

Self-Contained Classes (K-8):

Our self-contained classes have been designed for students with developmental academic delays. Academics, which are based on the state curriculum standards, are infused with functional life skills to support the growth of students. The students are taught through a multi-sensory approach to learning while reinforcing language and motor skills through an integrated model.

Resource Room Program:

Classified students in need of extra asssitance may spend part of each day in a resource center program working individually or in small groups with a certified special education teacher. The rest of the day is spent in the regularly assigned classroom. Some mainstream classes are provided with a special education teacher for inclusion purposes.

Speech/Language Services:

The Speech and Language specialist provides communication services to students with articulation and or language difficulties. The speech and language specialist receives referrals from teachers, parents and administrators to evaluate students who exhibit possible speech and/or language disorders.

Occupational Therapy:

The Occupational Therapy program utilizes goal directed, developmentally sequenced activities to enhance the students ability to benefit from educational programming. Students who receive this service must be classified by the Child Study Team and have this program outlined in their individual education plan.

Physical Therapy:

Physical Therapy services within the educational environment are provided to those disabled students who require the service to benefit from education or to be maintained in the least restrictive environment. These services are directed towards the development and/or maintenance of the disabled pupils physical potential for optimal functioning in educationally related activities.

Counseling Services: 

 The district employs a school psychologist and school social worker to provide services to students in all grades. They are available during a crisis or for students on an ongoing basis to provide short- term counseling with students and/or referral to outside practitioners.