Curriculum Office » Standards Based Report Cards

Standards Based Report Cards


  • They highlight the most important skills students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level.
  • They help parents to see how their child is progressing toward a particular standard.
  • Teachers have a better tool for documenting their students' progress.
  • Provides a clear expectation about what students should know and be able to do at each grade level.
  • When a student attempts a task, his/her performance is compared to the standard, not the other students' performances.
  • Teachers make a determination of where the student stands.  This determination can be based on examples such as (but not limited to):
    • Classroom assessments
    • Student work samples
    • Teacher notes from conferences and daily observations


NA Not Applicable during this marking period
1 Student is demonstrating minimal progress towards the standard for grade level. Student is working below grade level. Improvement is needed.
2 Student is demonstrating progress towards the standard for grade level. The student is beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes, and skills.
3 Student is meeting the standard. Demonstrates proficiency and with limited errors, grasps and applies concepts, processes, and skills.
4 Student is consistently exceeding the standard for grade level. Student graslps, applies and independently extends key concepts, processes, and skills.

Note: There is no correlation between letter grades and the new scale.